Currently, release versions of PuTTY tools only run on Windows systems and Unix.
As of 0.68, the supplied PuTTY executables run on versions of Windows from XP onwards, up to and including Windows 11; and we know of no reason why PuTTY should not continue to work on future versions of Windows. We provide 32-bit and 64-bit Windows executables for the common x86 processor family; see question A.6.10 for discussion of the compatibility issues around that. The 32-bit executables require a Pentium 4 or newer processor. We also provide executables for Windows on Arm processors.
(We used to also provide executables for Windows for the Alpha processor, but stopped after 0.58 due to lack of interest.)
In the development code, a partial port to Mac OS exists (see question A.3.6).
Currently PuTTY does not run on Windows CE (see question A.3.4).
We do not have release-quality ports for any other systems at the present time. If anyone told you we had an Android port, or an iOS port, or any other port of PuTTY, they were mistaken. We don't.
There are some third-party ports to various platforms, mentioned on the Links page of our website.