B.5 Requesting features that have already been requested
If a feature is already listed on the Wishlist, then it usually means we would like to add it to PuTTY at some point. However, this may not be in the near future. If there's a feature on the Wishlist which you would like to see in the near future, there are several things you can do to try to increase its priority level:
Mail us and vote for it. (Be sure to mention that you've seen it on the Wishlist, or we might think you haven't even read the Wishlist). This probably won't have very much effect; if a huge number of people vote for something then it may make a difference, but one or two extra votes for a particular feature are unlikely to change our priority list immediately. Offering a new and compelling justification might help. Also, don't expect a reply.
Offer us money if we do the work sooner rather than later. This sometimes works, but not always. The PuTTY team all have full-time jobs and we're doing all of this work in our free time; we may sometimes be willing to give up some more of our free time in exchange for some money, but if you try to bribe us for a big feature it's entirely possible that we simply won't have the time to spare - whether you pay us or not. (Also, we don't accept bribes to add bad features to the Wishlist, because our desire to provide high-quality software to the users comes first.)
Offer to help us write the code. This is probably the only way to get a feature implemented quickly, if it's a big one that we don't have time to do ourselves.