2.3 Logging in

After you have connected, and perhaps verified the server's host key, you will be asked to log in, probably using a username and a password. Your system administrator should have provided you with these. (If, instead, your system administrator has asked you to provide, or provided you with, a ‘public key’ or ‘key file’, see chapter 8.)

PuTTY will display a text window (the ‘terminal window’ – it will have a black background unless you've changed the defaults), and prompt you to type your username and password into that window. (These prompts will include the PuTTY icon, to distinguish them from any text sent by the server in the same window.)

Enter the username and the password, and the server should grant you access and begin your session. If you have mistyped your password, most servers will give you several chances to get it right.

While you are typing your password, you will not usually see the cursor moving in the window, but PuTTY is registering what you type, and will send it when you press Return. (It works this way to avoid revealing the length of your password to anyone watching your screen.)

If you are using SSH, be careful not to type your username wrongly, because you will not have a chance to correct it after you press Return; many SSH servers do not permit you to make two login attempts using different usernames. If you type your username wrongly, you must close PuTTY and start again.

If your password is refused but you are sure you have typed it correctly, check that Caps Lock is not enabled. Many login servers, particularly Unix computers, treat upper case and lower case as different when checking your password; so if Caps Lock is on, your password will probably be refused.