The large list box in the Pageant main window lists the private keys that are currently loaded into Pageant. The list might look something like this:
Ed25519 SHA256:TddlQk20DVs4LRcAsIfDN9pInKpY06D+h4kSHwWAj4w
RSA 2048 SHA256:8DFtyHm3kQihgy52nzX96qMcEVOq7/yJmmwQQhBWYFg
For each key, the list box will tell you:
when applied to your authorized_keys
For SSH-2 keys, by default this is shown in the ‘SHA256’ format. You can change to the older ‘MD5’ format (which looks like aa:bb:cc:...
) with the ‘Fingerprint type’ drop-down, but bear in mind that this format is less secure and should be avoided for comparison purposes where possible.
If some of the keys loaded into Pageant have certificates attached, then Pageant will default to showing the fingerprint of the underlying key. This way, a certified and uncertified version of the same key will have the same fingerprint, so you can see that they match. You can instead use the ‘Fingerprint type’ drop-down to ask for a different fingerprint to be shown for certified keys, which includes the certificate as part of the fingerprinted data. That way you can tell two certificates apart.