Our current keys were generated in July 2023.
Each new Master Key is signed with the old one, to show that it really is owned by the same people and not substituted by an attacker.
Each new Master Key also signs the previous Release Keys, in case you're trying to verify the signatures on a release prior to the rollover and can find a chain of trust to those keys from any of the people who have signed our new Master Key.
Each release is signed with the Release Key that was current at the time of release. We don't go back and re-sign old releases with newly generated keys.
The details of all previous keys are given here.
Keys generated in the 2021 rollover
. Fingerprint: A872 D42F 1660 890F 0E05 223E DD43 55EA AC11 19DE
. Fingerprint: 2CF6 134B D3F7 7A65 88EB D668 E4F8 3EA2 AA49 15EC
. Fingerprint: 1FD3 BCAC E532 FBE0 6A8C 09E2 B439 79F8 9F44 6CFD
. Fingerprint: E30F 1354 2A04 BE0E 56F0 5801 012C 59D4 211B D62A
Keys generated in the 2018 rollover
. Fingerprint: 24E1 B1C5 75EA 3C9F F752 A922 76BC 7FE4 EBFD 2D9E
. Fingerprint: E273 94AC A3F9 D904 9522 E054 6289 A25F 4AE8 DA82
. Fingerprint: C92B 52E9 9AB6 1DDA 33DB 2B7A 38BA 7229 B758 8FD1
. Fingerprint: A680 0082 2998 6E46 22CA 0E43 657D 4879 77F9 5C98
Key generated in 2016 (when we first introduced the Secure Contact Key)
(long version: 2048R/C4FCAAD08A0AF00B
). Encryption subkey ID: 2048R/50C2CF5C
(long version: 2048R/9EB39CC150C2CF5C
). Fingerprint: 8A26 250E 763F E359 75F3 118F C4FC AAD0 8A0A F00B
Keys generated in the 2015 rollover
(long version: 4096R/AB585DC604676F7C
). Fingerprint: 440D E3B5 B7A1 CA85 B3CC 1718 AB58 5DC6 0467 6F7C
(long version: 2048R/9DFE2648B43434E4
). Fingerprint: 0054 DDAA 8ADA 15D2 768A 6DE7 9DFE 2648 B434 34E4
(long version: 2048R/EEF20295D15F7E8A
). Fingerprint: 0A3B 0048 FE49 9B67 A234 FEB6 EEF2 0295 D15F 7E8A
Original keys generated in 2000 (two sets, RSA and DSA)
(long version: 1024R/9D5877BF1E34AC41
). Fingerprint: 8F 15 97 DA 25 30 AB 0D 88 D1 92 54 11 CF 0C 4C
(long version: 1024D/4F5E6DF56A93B34E
). Fingerprint: 313C 3E76 4B74 C2C5 F2AE 83A8 4F5E 6DF5 6A93 B34E
(long version: 1024R/EF39CCC0B41CAE29
). Fingerprint: AE 65 D3 F7 85 D3 18 E0 3B 0C 9B 02 FF 3A 81 FE
(long version: 1024D/FECD6F3F08B0A90B
). Fingerprint: 00B1 1009 38E6 9800 6518 F0AB FECD 6F3F 08B0 A90B
(long version: 1024R/FAAED21532B903A9
). Fingerprint: 86 8B 1F 79 9C F4 7F BD 8B 1B D7 8E C6 4E 4C 03
(long version: 1024D/165E56F77D3E4A00
). Fingerprint: 63DD 8EF8 32F5 D777 9FF0 2947 165E 56F7 7D3E 4A00