8.2.16 PuTTYgen command-line configuration

PuTTYgen supports a set of command-line options to configure many of the same settings you can select in the GUI. This allows you to start it up with your own preferences ready-selected, which might be useful if you generate a lot of keys. (For example, you could make a Windows shortcut that runs PuTTYgen with some command line options, or a batch file or Powershell script that you could distribute to a whole organisation containing your local standards.)

The options supported on the command line are:

-t keytype
Type of key to generate. You can select rsa, dsa, ecdsa, eddsa, ed25519, ed448, or rsa1. See section 8.2.2.
-b bits
Size of the key to generate, in bits. See section 8.2.3.
--primes method
Method for generating prime numbers. You can select probable, proven, and proven-even. See section 8.2.4.
When generating an RSA key, make sure the prime factors of the key modulus are ‘strong primes’. See section 8.2.4.
--ppk-param key=value,...
Allows setting all the same details of the PPK save file format described in section 8.2.13.

Aspects to change are specified as a series of key=value pairs separated by commas. The keys are:

The PPK format version: either 3 or 2.
The variant of Argon2 to use: argon2id, argon2i, and argon2d.
The amount of memory needed to decrypt the key, in Kbyte.
Specifies how much time is required to attempt decrypting the key, in milliseconds.
Alternative to time: specifies the number of hash passes required to attempt decrypting the key.
Number of parallelisable threads that can be used to decrypt the key.
-E fptype
Algorithm to use when displaying key fingerprints. You can select sha256 or md5. See section 8.2.6.