epub2mobi [ -n ][ file... ]
The epub2mobi command provides a fast and efficient way to convert one or more ePUB eBooks to the MOBI file format that can be processed by the Kindle eBook reader from Amazon.
To convert eBook(s): mark them in the Windows™ Explorer, -> do a right click -> goto: 'Send to' -> select: 'epub2mobi'.
Each given file1.epub is converted to file1.mobi as long as the destination file ( file1.mobi ) does not exist already.
The epub2mobi command should be installed to the 'Send To' context menu in 'Microsoft™ Windows Explorer' for most convenient usage. To do so, invoke epub2mobi -i once.
If - is specified as file name, the file list is read from stdin (standard input).
If no file is specified, you are queried to select the file(s) by a open file box dialog where you then can select the file(s) to be processed.
This is the most convenient usage to convert one or more ePUB files to the MOBI eBook format.
start: Windows Explorer -> browse: to your eBook directory -> mark: *.epub files to be converted -> right click -> goto: 'Send to' -> select: 'epub2mobi'
If the epub2mobi command was not installed to the 'Send To' context menu of Windows™ Explorer this method can be used to select and convert single ePUB eBooks to the MOBI format.
goto: Windows 'Start Menu' -> goto: WA2LWinTools -> start: 'epub2mobi' -> select: *.epub file in file dialog -> [ OK ]
If the epub2mobi command was not installed to the 'Send To' context menu of Windows™ Explorer and there is also not a 'Start Menu' configured for the WA2L/WinTools package, this method can be used to select and convert single ePUB eBooks to the MOBI format.
start: Windows Explorer -> browse: to WA2LWinTools\bin\ -> start: epub2mobi -> select: *.epub file in file dialog -> [ OK ]
The command line usage of the epub2mobi command provides some possibilities that allows some very efficient methods to convert eBooks.
Start wtshell or Console:
goto: Windows 'Start Menu' -> goto: WA2LWinTools -> start: wtshell or Console
[ C:\Users\fred\Desktop\WA2LWinTools\bin ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]:
Change to the base directory where the ePUB books reside:
[ C:\Users\fred\Desktop\WA2LWinTools\bin ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]: cd /d C:\Users\fred\Documents\my EBooks
List all ePUB books in that directory and in any directory below that (optional, this is only done to verify which books will be converted in the following step):
[ C:\Users\fred\Documents\my EBooks ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /s /b *.epub
Convert all *.epub eBooks:
[ C:\Users\fred\Documents\my EBooks ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /s /b *.epub | epub2mobi -
Alternatively you can also specify the path in the dir command as follows. Doing that you don't have to change to the directory first:
[ C:\Users\fred\Desktop\WA2LWinTools\bin ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /s /b "C:\Users\fred\Documents\my EBooks" *.epub | epub2mobi -
Quit the wtshell again:
[ C:\Users\fred\Documents\my EBooks ] [ fred@ACME ][*wtshell*/cmd]: quit
Calibre is a powerful e-book management software developed by Kovid Goyal.
For more information about Calibre see: https://calibre-ebook.com/ .
The Calibre software is not bundled with WA2L/WinTools. Download it from: https://calibre-ebook.com/download_portable.
KindleGen is a command line tool which enables publishers to work in an automated environment with a variety of source content including HTML, XHTML or EPUB. KindleGen converts this source content to a single file which supports both KF8 and Mobi formats enabling publishers to create great-looking books that work on all Kindle devices and apps.
KindleGen is officially supported by Amazon to convert files to the Kindle format. Amazon recommends you to use KindleGen to create content that is compatible with all Kindle devices and apps. Files created with third-party software may not work properly on current or future Kindle devices and apps.
For more information about KindleGen see: https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?docId=1000765211.
Error(prcgen):E23006: Language not recognized in metadata. The dc:Language field is mandatory. Aborting.
This condition was observed in version V2.9 build 1029-0897292 of Amazon kindlegen(Windows).
To nevertheless convert the ePUB e-Book to MOBI consider to install Calibre (see NOTES section) that will be used prior to the Kindlegen fallback to do the conversion.
This is free software; see WA2LWinTools/man/COPYING for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.