
Package: WA2L/WinTools 1.2.08
Section: Maintenance Commands (1m)
Updated: 22 February 2025
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wtshell - interactive shell in WA2L/WinTools environment









interactive command shell (cmd.exe) configured to run efficiently within the WA2L/WinTools environment. The wtshell provides some additional commands to the normal Windows™ command prompt. Invoke the usage command within wtshell to get an overview of all available commands.



The following additional commands are only available when the shell is started (~built in commands / aliases). Those commands are intended to ease up the work when working interactively in the shell. Therefore this commands shall not be used within scripts.

The commands described here are also listed when the shell command usage is invoked.



a [ something ]
set working variable %a% with the current working directory or something

b [ something ]
set working variable %b% with the current working directory or something

c [ something ]
set working variable %c% with the current working directory or something

d [ something ]
set working variable %d% with the current working directory or something

e [ something ]
set working variable %e% with the current working directory or something

f [ something ]
set working variable %f% with the current working directory or something

g [ something ]
set working variable %g% with the current working directory or something

print %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %p% %w% %TODAY%

abc [ a | b | c | d | e | f | g ]
load related saved working variable %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% (from other session).

set the variable %TODAY% with the current date in reverse notation (e.g.: 20181225).

print all environment variables.



append current working directory to %PATH% (set PATH=%PATH%;cwd)

add current working directory to %PATH% (set PATH=cwd;%PATH%)

displays or sets a search path for executable files.

The path command is an alias (=doskey macro) to the pathlist command. Therefore when you enter the path command interactively you actually start the pathlist command.

pathlist [-h|/?|-l] | [;] | [[[ drive :] path [; ... ][;%PATH%]]
extended path command, as printing the directories that are listed in the %PATH% variable line-by-line for better visibility.



set prompt and toggle tailing path backslash in command prompt on subsequent wtprompt calls.

cd [ drive: | label: ] [ path ]
displays the name of the directory or changes the current directory.

The cd command is an alias (=doskey macro) to the godir command. Therefore when you enter the cd command interactively you actually start the godir command.

cd .. [ number |
go up number of levels in one go. E.g. cd .. 3 changes director up 3 levels (equal to: cd ..\..\..).

cda [ subdirectory ]
cd %a%

cdb [ subdirectory ]
cd %b%

cdc [ subdirectory ]
cd %c%

cdd [ subdirectory ]
cd %d%

cde [ subdirectory ]
cd %e%

cdf [ subdirectory ]
cd %f%

cdg [ subdirectory ]
cd %g%

cd %p%. The %p% variable contains the working directory of the last wtshell start.

cd %w%. The %w% variable contains the working directory before wtshell was started.

cdx [ drive: | label: ]
cd to the same working directory on another drive.

cd WA2L/WinTools bin/

cd WA2L/WinTools etc/

cdlib [ subdirectory ]
cd WA2L/WinTools lib/

cd WA2L/WinTools var/log/

cdman [ subdirectory ]
cd WA2L/WinTools man/

cd WA2L/WinTools var/scripts/

cdtmp [ subdirectory ]
cd WA2L/WinTools var/tmp/

cdtemp [ subdirectory ]
cd system temporary dir %TMP%

cd WA2L/WinTools var/sw/

cdvar [ subdirectory ]
cd WA2L/WinTools var/

cddb [ subdirectory ]
cd WA2L/WinTools var/db/

cdbkp [ subdirectory ]
cd to the installation directory of WA2L/SimpleBackup. This command is only available if the WA2L/SimpleBackup package is installed beside the WA2L/WinTools package.

cdwts [ subdirectory ]
cd to the installation directory of WA2L/WinTools.

cdbx [ subdirectory ]
cd to Dropbox directory.

cdod [ subdirectory ]
cd to OneDrive directory.

cd to users 'Desktop' directory %USERPROFILE%/Desktop/

cd to users 'Send To' menu %APPDATA%/Microsoft/Windows/SendTo/

cdstart [ subdirectory ]
cd to users Windows™ 'Start' menu %APPDATA%/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/

cd to users 'Startup' menu %APPDATA%/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup/

cdmydoc [ subdirectory ]
cd to myDocuments/ directory.

expl [ directory ]
open 'Microsoft™ Windows Explorer' with the current working directory if no other directory is specified.

godir [ drive: | label: ] [ path ]
change directory similar as the command cd, but if you change to a path on an other drive you don't have to enter the /d option (e.g. cd /d c:\windows ) entering godir c:\windows is sufficient.

Furthermore the ret command can return to directories visited using the godir command.

The godir command also understands labels, see lpath(3) for more information on labels.

godir .. [ number |
go up number of levels in one go. E.g. godir .. 3 changes director up 3 levels (equal to: cd ..\..\..).

return (cd) to previous directory.



usage [ what ]
print short usage of command.

The custom files in the scripts directory var/scripts/ are also searched for usage entries. The usage of executables or 3rd party scripts can be listed in the var/scripts/usage-scripts.list file.

Invoke usage -h or usage -t to display the required usage entry format in scripts or in the usage-scripts.list file to enable the usage command to query/list the entries.

apropos keyword
search whatis database for strings.

whatis keyword
search whatis database for commands.

alias [ name ]
list defined command aliases (=doskey macros).



ls [ options ] [ file... ]
list files (ls).

ll [ options ] [ file... ]
list files (ls -la).

lssp [ -s site ] -f folder
list files of a Sharepoint™ site.

lsw [ options ] file...
list files. The lsw command supports multiple wildcards in file selection path.



df [ options ] [ drive... ]
displays free disk space.

drives [ options ]
display available drives with drive-letter, volume name and capacity.

ifconfig [ options ]
display- and change network interface configuration. This command is an alias for the ipconfig command.

nice pid [ priority ]
change execution priority of a process referenced by pid.

bg command [ options ]
start command in background.
pid [ options ]
list running processes.

ps [ options ]
list running processes.

process [ processname ]
list running processes with Caption, CommandLine, Name and ProcessId.

top [ options ]
list running top processes.

ntop [ options ]
list running top processes.

print system uptime.

ptime command [ arguments ]
run the specified command and measure the execution time (run time) in seconds, accurate to 5 millisecond or better.

kill [ options ]
kill running processes.

wtkill processname
kill processes by processname.

handle [ options ] [ name ]
List open files and directories.

Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. handle is a utility that displays information about open handles for any process in the system. You can use it to see the programs that have a file open, or to see the object types and names of all the handles of a program.

sysinfo [ options ]
print various hardware and software information of the local system.



recycle [ file... ]
Send files to, restore files from, rename, delete, and list files in, and empty the Recycle Bin.

mv [ options ] source dest
move (rename) files.

lsmv [ file... ]
list move commands to efficiently rename files.

The usage idea is the following:

  lsmv > t.bat
  vi t.bat
  del t.bat


  lsmv > t.bat
  np t.bat
  del t.bat

where first a list of move (mv) commands are written to a temporary batch file which is loaded to the vi or np (=notepad2) editor and the target names of the move commands are adjusted.

Then the batch file t.bat is executed what would rename the files. Finally the batch file is removed again.

lscp [ file... ]
list copy commands to efficiently copy files.

The usage is analogous to the lsmv command.

touch [ options ] file...
change file stamp's.



awk [ options ] [ file... ]
pattern-directed scanning and processing language.

gawk [ options ] [ file... ]
pattern-directed scanning and processing language.

cat [ options ] [ file... ]
concatenate or display files.

Hint: If you like to quickly add line numbers to a file, use the -n option.

catio < filelist
cat files listed in a filelist.

indent [ -e ] [ with ]
continuous output of characters received via stdin with a leading indent (width) on each line.

od [ options ] [ file... ]
dump files in octal and other formats.

print_list [ "sep" [ ind ]]
format CSV data to a list with dynamic column widths.

select_columns "sep" "LIST"
select named columns from CSV stream.

tac [ options ] [ file... ]
concatenate or display files. The line order of the files is reverted (last line first).

tail [ options ] [ file... ]
print last line(s) of file or from stdin.

tf filter file...
transform file using (g)awk filter.

The filter file is an awk(3) or gawk(3) script that has to be located in the WA2LWinTools/var/scripts/ directory. The file name format is tf.filter.awk to be handled with the tf command.

tr [ options ] SET1
translate and delete characters.

tee [ options ] [ file... ]
read from standard input and write to standard output and files.

head [ options ] [ file... ]
print first line(s) of file or from stdin.

cut [ options ] [ file... ]
print selected parts of a line.

strings [ options ] [ file... ]
display printable strings in [file(s)] (stdin by default)

egrep [ options ] pattern [ file... ]
grep for regular expressions.

grep [ options ] pattern [ file... ]
grep for regular expressions.

fgrep [ options ] string [ file... ]
grep for strings.

sed [ options ] [ file... ]
stream editor.

comm [ options ] file1 file2
compare sorted files.

diff [ options ] file1 file2
show differences of files.

split [ options ] [ INPUT [ PREFIX ]]
Output fixed-size pieces of INPUT to PREFIXaa , PREFIXab , ...; default prefix is `x'. With no INPUT , or when INPUT is - , read standard input.

join [ options ] file1 file2
join lines of two files that have identical fields.

uniq [ options ] [ input [ output ]]
discard all but one of successive identical lines from input (or standard input), writing to output (or standard output).

uxsort [ options ] [ file... ]
unix file sort command. On Unix/Linux systems, this command is named sort. It is named uxsort on Windows™ systems, due to the fact that the Windows™ operating system provides an own sort command that would interfere with the one bundled with WA2L/WinTools.

junction [ -s ] [ -q ] file or directory
list Windows™ junction points, where a directory serves as an alias to another directory on the computer.

expand [ options ] [ file... ]
convert tabs in each file to spaces writing to standard output. With no file, or when file is -, read standard input.

unexpand [ options ] [ file... ]
convert spaces in each file to tabs writing to standard output. With no file, or when file is -, read standard input.

less [ options ] [ file... ]
display files (page-wise) on the console. The less command is an improved version of the more command.

lscomp [ archive ]
list files in a (compressed) archive without unpacking the archive in short format (similar to ls -1).

llcomp [ archive ]
list files in a (compressed) archive without unpacking the archive in long format (similar to ls -al).

catcomp [ archive dir/subdir/file ]
display file from a (compressed) archive on stdout without unpacking the archive.

lscol file.csv
list columns of a comma- or semicolon separated CSV file.



lockmon file
monitor if the file is LOCKED or UNLOCKED.

revision [ file... ]
Print revision of a selection of files in the current working directory examined from the file header.

This helps to get a quick overview of the revision and the last revision history entry of files located in a certain directory.

The file header must have the format:

[##] DD.MM.YYYY INi Revision history text

Example Windows™ batch file:

  @echo off
  rem sav.cmd - save file to file.<TODAY>.suffix
  rem [00] 17.03.2007 CWa       Initial Version
  rem [11] 07.12.2016 CWa       chg: usage message

Example configuration file:

  # C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts - host names
  # [00] 28.02.2001 ???   Initial Version
  # [01] 28.02.2001 CWa   +rh7ws001
  #       localhost    rh7ws001

The files with the following suffixes are resolved: .1, .1m, .3, .4, .ada, .asm, .au3, .awk, .bas, .bat, .bib, .c, .c++, .cfg, .cmd, .conf, .cpp, .cs, .css, .dat, .dok, .dem, .ebnf, .go, .gpl, .htm, .html, .inc, .index, .ini, .java, .js, .ksh, .list, .log, .lua, .map, .md, .md5, .meta, .opt, .pas, .ps1, .py, .sh, .sql, .tcl, .tpl, .tex, .txt, .var, .vbs, .ver and .xml.

To add more suffixes to be resolved, set the SUFFIXES=.suff_1;.suff_2;.suff_n setting in the etc/revision.cfg file.

stat [ file... ] file...
display file or file system status.

name [ file... ]
Print a description of a selection of files in the current working directory examined from the file header.

This helps to get a quick overview of the purpose of files located in a certain directory.

The file header must have the format:

filename - the description text


path/filename - the description text

Between the filename , the - and the description text has to be only one space each.

The filename has to be identical to the real filename but differences in upper-/lowercase are ignored.

Example SQL script:

  -- TopTen.sql - Reports lists DB statistics
  -- [00] 31.1.2003 CWa Initial Version
      a.bytes/1024 as total_kbytes,

Example C++ program file:

   * Commands\timedat\indent.cpp - print indented stream
   * [00] 07.02.2014 CWa        Initial Version
   * [01] 08.02.2014 CWa        chg: default indent to 4
   * [02] 10.05.2014 CWa        cor: header text

  #include <iostream>
  #include <stdlib.h>

The name command can resolve files with the same suffixes as the revision command plus .exe and .dll files.

See revision for a list of predefined file suffixes that are computed.

To add more suffixes to be resolved, set the SUFFIXES=.suff_1;.suff_2;.suff_n setting in the etc/name.cfg file.

fun [ selection ] [ file ]
Print short description of selected functions from file. When no selection is made all functions from the file are listed.

The function short description header must have one of the following formats to be processed:

# function -- description text
' function -- description text
// function -- description text
-- function -- description text
rem function -- description text

Example Windows™ batch file:

  rem filesize "path" -- set !size! to file size
      set size=%~z1
      exit /b 0

Example AWK program file:

  # timeout(seconds) -- sleep for seconds
  function timeout(seconds){
      exec("sleep " seconds)
  } # timeout

Example C++ program file:

  // year() -- return current year as string
  string year(){
      time_t epoch = time(NULL);
      struct tm * t = localtime (&epoch);
      return to_string(t->tm_year+1900);
  } // year

wc [ options ] [ file... ]
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file, and a total line if more than one file is specified. A word is a non-zero-length sequence of characters delimited by white space.

md5sum [ options ] [ file... ]
calculate a MD5 check sum of a file.



which [ options ] executable
search for first occurrence of an executable in %PATH%.

uxfind [ options ]
search for files.



robocopy source destination [ options ]
robust file copy with support for long file names.

cp [ options ] source destination
copy file(s) from source to destination.



gzip [ options ] [ file... ]
compress and uncompress files into a *.gz file.

zip [ options ] file.zip file...
compress file(s) into a *.zip file.

See also: llcomp and lscomp to list contents of a *.zip file without decompression.

unzip [ options ] file.zip
uncompress files from a *.zip file.

See also: llcomp and lscomp to list contents of a *.zip file without decompression.



banner "text"
print the given text (up to 10 characters as big banner letters.

bc [ options ] [ file... ]
an arbitrary precision calculator language.

dc [ options ] [ file... ]
an arbitrary precision RPN calculator language.

return 1, respectively set the %ERRORLEVEL% variable to 1.

return 0, respectively set the %ERRORLEVEL% variable to 0.

gclip [ options ]
get Windows™ clipboard text from stdin.

Create an ordered list of all MP3 files in a directory and send the output to the clipboard (e.g. to paste the list into a document):

  [ h:\data\example\myMusic ] 
  [ fred@ACME001 ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /o /b *.mp3 | gclip 

Create the same list of music files without the .mp3 suffix (=substitute the last 5(!) characters with nothing):

  [ h:\data\example\myMusic ] 
  [ fred@ACME001 ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /o /b *.mp3 | sed "s/.\{5\}$//" | gclip 


  [ h:\data\example\myMusic ] 
  [ fred@ACME001 ][*wtshell*/cmd]: dir /o /b *.mp3 | sed "s/.....$//" | gclip 

pclip [ options ]
put the Windows™ clipboard text to stdout.

Save a list selected and copied to the clipboard using Control+C from Excel™ to a file to be used for additional processing:

  -> open an Excel Workbook in Excel 
  -> select related data in the Worksheet
  -> press Control+C

  [ h:\data\example\lists ] 
  [ fred@ACME001 ][*wtshell*/cmd]: pclip > example.txt

history, hist
print history list of entered commands in the shell.

r command
re-execute last command from history.

make [ options ] [ target ] ...
GNU make. Build targets based on dependency ruled defined in a Makefile.

month [ options ]
print month(s) calendar to console.

setusage "usage" "short description"
set short usage description in dynamic usage list (var/db/shell/usage-dynamic.list). This to make the usage command to show the short usage description of commands only if enabled (by the section command, for example).

See the example for the section command below.

section ( ON | OFF | SKIP ) "text"
enable or disable a settings section in the etc/wtshell.cfg file without the need to comment out sections that shouldn't be executed.


  rem WA2LWinTools\etc\wtshell.cfg - config for wtshell
  rem [00] 06.12.2016 CWa Initial Version

  echo initialize ...

  rem set HTTP(S)_PROXY
  section ON PROXY && goto PROXY
      call proxy >nul 2>&1
  rem JDK settings
  section OFF JDK && goto JDK
      set JAVA_HOME=%~d0\bin\JDKPortable
      set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin

  rem add additional aliases
  section ON ALIASES && goto ALIASES
      doskey cdprog=godir "%~d0\dat\prog"
      setusage "cdprog" "cd %~d0/dat/prog/"

      doskey cdws=godir "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\var\Workspace"
      setusage "cdws"   "cd MyDocuments/var/Workspace/"

  echo. && echo done.

This example will execute call proxy and set the additional aliases (=doskey macros) but will skip the setting of the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables needed by the Java Development Kit (JDK).

When the environment variable WA2L_SECTION_PRINT is not set to False (in the configuration file etc/wtshell.cfg) it is printed if a section is activated as follows:


To print the activated ([ON ]) sections only, set WA2L_SECTION_PRINT to ON and to print the deactivated ([OFF]) sections only, set it to OFF.

yes [ string ]
output a string repeatedly until killed.

xargs [ options ] [ command [ initial-arguments ]]
xargs reads items from the standard input, delimited by blanks (which can be protected with double or single quotes or a backslash) or newlines, and executes the command (default is echo) one or more times with any initial-arguments followed by items read from standard input. Blank lines on the standard input are ignored.

yargs [ options ] [ command [ initial-arguments ]]
yargs reads items from the standard input delimited by newlines and executes the command (default is echo) with any initial-arguments followed by items read from standard input. Blank lines on the standard input are ignored.



curl [ options ] url
curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET and TFTP). The command is designed to work without user interaction.

doh [ -t type ] -q query
query DNS records (=type) over http. This allows similar queries as when using the nslookup command. The doh name lookup is internet based.

whois [ -v ] domainname [ whois.server ]
query whois DNS registration information.

woh -q query
query WHOIS records over http. This allows similar queries as when using the whois command. The woh name lookup is internet based.

DownloadFile -s URL -d file [ -b ]
DownloadFile is a utility to download a file addressed in a URL to a local file.

DownloadFile -l -s URL -d file [ -t timeout ] [ -z timezone ]
DownloadFile -l is a utility to continuously download a file addressed in a URL to a local file appending a timestamp to the downloaded filename.

If the -z timezone option or the TZ=timezone environment variable is set, the timestamp of the specified POSIX timezone is used.


 -z UTC      England/London (Greenwich Mean Time)
 -z UTC+8    USA/Santa Barbara
 -z UTC+5    Peru/Lima
 -z UTC-1    Switzerland/Beringen
 -z UTC-2    Switzerland/Beringen (Daylight Saving Time)
 -z UTC-10   Australia/Sydney

See also: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ for additional information.

MapDrive drive: servershare [ timeout ] [ username ] [ password ]
Makes mapping network drives startup reliable. If the drive mapping fails, the program will keep attempting to create the mapping until the specified timeout is reached.

proxy [ options ]
apply settings defined in the etc/proxy.hostname.cfg , etc/proxy.domainname.cfg or etc/proxy.cfg configuration file.

If you want to apply the proxy settings automatically on each wtshell start, add the following entry to the etc/wtshell.cfg configuration file:

  call proxy

plink [ options ] [ user@]host
command line SSH client.

ssh [ options ] [ user@]host
command line OpenSSH SSH client.

telnet [ options ] [ host [ port ]]
command line TELNET client.

psftp [ options ] [ user@]host
command line SFTP client.

sftp options
command line OpenSSH SFTP client.

pscp options
command line SCP client.

scp options
command line OpenSSH SCP client.

ssh-keygen options
public- and private key generation for the command line OpenSSH client commands ssh, sftp and scp.

wget [ options ] url
wget is a utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies.



maximize the console window to full screen.

resize the console window to normal size.

clear screen as the Windows™ command cls does.

quit the shell.

The exit command is an alias (=doskey macro) to the quit command. Therefore when you enter the exit command interactively you actually start the quit command.

quit the shell and save the current working directory to the %p% variable.






this variable is set to wtshell.

%a%, %b%, %c%, %d%, %e%, %f%, %g%
working variable set/read by a, b, c, d, e, f, g and abc.

date variable containing the current date, set by today and read by abc.

working directory of the last wtshell start. Subsequent starts of wtshell will set this directory as initial working directory. This variable is read by cdp and abc.

working directory before wtshell was started and is read by cdw and abc.

installation base directory of the WA2L/WinTools package.

print all environment variables.






optional configuration file for the wtshell command.

The etc/wtshell.cfg file is a Windows™ BATCH (*.bat) file and has therefore to comply to the conventions of a BATCH file.

If you want to apply the proxy settings automatically on each wtshell start, add the following entry to the etc/wtshell.cfg configuration file:

  call proxy

To skip the execution of the etc/wtshell.cfg file press and hold the SHIFT key during startup of wtshell. You will see the message

  wtshell-INFO: fast start without reading wtshell.cfg

during start if you do so.

See also section command in SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMANDS to conveniently enable/disable a group (=section) of settings in the wtshell.cfg file.

location for own scripts (and/or executables).

This directory is automatically added to the %PATH% variable and therefore the scripts added to that directory are available when using wtshell.

This directory is not changed when installing/upgrading the WA2L/WinTools package with the exception of the provided example scripts (gpx2kml and gpx2csv).

When adding scripts to the var/scripts/ directory you also might consider to add a short usage line (see: usage command above) to the script. Doing this your script also appears in the output of the usage [ selection ] command.

short usage descriptions for executables or 3rd party scripts that you don't want to change. Commands listed in this file will also be listed when using the usage [ selection ] command.

The entry is identical to the ones added to scripts. See output of usage -h or usage -t to see usage entry templates/examples.

this directory holds persistent information to be used in subsequent calls of wtshell.

here all additional commands provided by the wtshell are stored. Do not add/change files in this directory, add own scripts or executables to the var/scripts/ directory.

This is the startup script that initializes the wtshell.

shell start-script in user home (%USERPROFILE%).

This command is useful when connecting to the system thru the OpenSSH Server on a Windows™ system and quickly starting the enhanced shell wtshell without the need to change to the installation directory of the WA2L/WinTools package; you can then simply call wtshell.

This file is added/removed when selecting the related option in the config command or using the lib/config.SHELL [ -i | -u ] command.






wintoolsintro(1), awk(3), banner(1), bc(1), cat(1), catio(1), catcomp(1), comm(1), console(1m), cp(1), curl(1), cut(1), dc(1), df(1), diff(1), doh(1), downloadfile(1), drives(1), egrep(1), expand(1), fgrep(1), gawk(3), grep(1), gzip(1), handle(1), head(1), ifconfig(1m), indent(3), join(1), less(1), kill(1), ll(1), llcomp(1), ls(1), lscol(1), lscomp(1), lscp(1), lsmv(1), lssp(1), lsw(1), make(1), man(1), md5sum(1), mv(1), ncat(1), nice(1), np(1), notepad2(1), ntop(1), od(1), plink(1), plink.Readme(1), print_list(3), proxy(3), proxy.cfg(4), ps(1), pscp(1), psftp(1), psftpReadme(1), recycle(1), rm(1), regexintro(4), robocopy(3), scp(1), sed(1), sed1line(1), select_columns(3), sftp(1), ssh(1), ssh-keygen(1), split(1), stat(1), strings(1), tac(1), telnet(1), test(3), tf(1), tf.cfg(4), tail(1), tee(1), tr(1), touch(1), unexpand(1), unzip(3), uptime(1), uniq(1), uxfind(1), uxsort(1), wc(1), wget(3), whatis(4), which(1), whois(1), woh(1), wtshell.cfg(4), vi(1), vim(1), wtkill(1), yes(1), xargs(1), yargs(1), zip(3), https://github.com/PowerShell/Win32-OpenSSH/releases, https://www.sysinternals.com/downloads/handle/, https://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/htmldoc/Chapter7.html#plink, https://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/htmldoc/Chapter6.html#psftp



If wtshell is started connecting from remote using OpenSSH Server for Windows™ the Notepad2, np and vi, commands are aliases to the vim command.






wtshell was developed by Christian Walther. Send suggestions and bug reports to wa2l@users.sourceforge.net .



Copyright © 2024 Christian Walther

This is free software; see WA2LWinTools/man/COPYING for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.




This document was created by man2html using the manual pages.
Time: 18:36:29 GMT, February 22, 2025