bib2xml [ -d templatedir ] < infile.bib [ > outfile.xml ]
type infile.bib | bib2xml [ -d templatedir ][ > outfile.xml ]
The BiBTex file must be structured as follows, where the field names can be different from this example:
@article{AWKQuickRef, author = {Vincent Ledos}, title = {awk Quick Ref}, journal = {}, year = {2010}, volume = {1.0}, number = {}, pages = {1}, month = {02}, note = {}, abstract = {Quick reference of AWK usage, command, operators and variables}, date = {02.2010}, language = {en}, guid = {68e56715-3041-444c-89b5-82d76d1e829f}, }
Do not change this file(s), they will be overwritten when upgrading the WA2L/WinTools package, create your own bib2xml.default.xml file in the etc/ directory.
Do not change this file, it will be overwritten when upgrading the WA2L/WinTools package, create your own bib2xml.default.xml file in the etc/ directory.
Do not change this file, it will be overwritten when upgrading the WA2L/WinTools package, create your own bib2xml.lang file in the etc/ directory.
Example of an etc/bib2xml.lang file:
;ISO_639-2;ISO_639-1;LANGUAGE;LCID; ;;de-CH;German (Switzerland);2055; ;;en-US;English (U.S.);1033;
This is free software; see WA2LWinTools/man/COPYING for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.